Family Support Groups


Enhancing Language Through Play

Click here for powerpoint presentation!

Speech May Family Support Group.mp4

Future planning

April 9, 2024

April Family Support Group Recording.mp4
Andrew Cohen's Brochure 2022.pdf
Mitch Weisbrot's brochure.pdf
February Family Support Group Meeting.mp4

NYS Institute on disability inc.

February 13, 2024

Recording, Powerpoint & Resources

FSG JulietHawkins NYSInstofDisabilityInc 2023-24 FEBRUARY (1).pdf


January 9, 2024

Recording, Powerpoint & Resources from the Presentation.

811Q Family Support Group 1.9.2024.pdf
Grupo Latino 12_18_23.pdf
spanish P2P brochure - pdf (2).pdf

Parent To Parent

December 12, 2023

Resources from the Presentation

Key dates to look out for and register to in December:

13th- BIPOC group

14th- Residential Group

18th- Latino Group

19th- NYC group


Parent To Parent Fathers Group (Jan. 15th)

BIPOC Parent Group and Learning Series:

Wednesday, December 13th, 2023

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

You must pre – register to join us:

Parent to Parent of NYS-Residential Placement Online Discussion Group- Parents who have a child or adult in a Residential placement

December 14 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

NYC- Caregiver Connections Parent Group

December 19 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Parent to Parent of NYS- Statewide-Virtual Fathers Group

January 15, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

November Family Support Group Bright Futures.mp4

Presentation from Care Design

November 14, 2023

October 10, 2023 Peter Coleman: Care Design PowerPoint: Steps to Enrollment

October - Peter Coleman from Care Design.mp4

September 12, 2023

Meet Our Family Support Team!

Parent Panel Parent Support Team: Grupo de apoyo de padres.mp4
Mindfulness and Yoga Techniques Parent Support Group 3.8.23 Grupo de Apoyo de padres.mp4

The panel of parents from the Parent Support Group. Our 811Q parents speak to us.  Grupo de apoyo de padres.  Nuestros padres nos hablan. 

January 3, 2023

Self Care Powerpoint - SPANISH.pptx
Self Care Powerpoint ENGLISH.pptx
Parent Support Group:Grupo de Apoyo de Padres 11.1.22 Nurses.mp4

November 1, 2022

TCC October 19 Parent Support Group - Grupo de Apoyo de padres.mp4

October 18, 2022

Parent Support Group October 4th - School Panel.mp4
Amerikids - Family Support Group 9_20_22 Grupo de Apoyo de padres.mp4

October 4, 2022

September 20, 2022